Here is a comprehensive guide on how to view raw Bitcoin JSON transactions:

Understanding Raw Bitcoin JSON Transactions

Bitcoin raw JSON transactions are a data format that contains details about each transaction, including the sender and receiver addresses, transaction fees, block times, and other relevant information. These transactions are not encrypted like regular Bitcoin transactions, but use plain text to transmit the data.

Where to Find Raw Bitcoin JSON Transactions

Fortunately, there are several ways to access raw Bitcoin JSON transactions:

How ​​to Get Raw Bitcoin Transactions JSON

To access raw Bitcoin transactions JSON:

Sample Code

Here is an example of how to use Python and the API to retrieve raw Bitcoin JSON transactions for a specific sender address:

import requests

Set the sender address and API endpoint URL

sender_address = "1A0bC5d6e7f8K9lMnNkPQvRtUu3V4H7jF"

api_endpoint = "

Define API parameters and headers

parameters = {

'method': 'GET',

'gasprice': '0.00000000',

'gaslimit': '2000000'


Send a GET request to

response = requests.get(api_endpoint + sender_address, params=params)

Check if the response was successful

if response.status_code == 200:

Parse the JSON data from the response

transactions = response.json()['result']

Print or save the raw JSON transactions



print(f"Error: {response.status_code}")

Remember to replace the sender address and API endpoint URL with your own values.

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